Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): The Idea of Printing the UDHR in Passports, especially the American Passport

This idea looks and feels so naïve that it borders on edge of nonsense.

Let me dispel you of that.

First of all, it would honor Eleanor Roosevelt. she would be smiling in her grave for the honor. The dirty dust on her best work which truly looks out for the relationship between government and their citizens in the best way possible must be removed because it is the best document ever written for all the citizens of the earth. Eleanor broke many a glass ceiling in her life. The UDHR is her lasting moment in history.

Secondly, if we Americans truly believe in freedom then surely you would welcome a vision and a strategy to get to that freedom for everyone. Furthermore, the UDHR is a reality and needs no eternal slow process to get approval for publication. It passed in 1948 in Paris. No need to debate and go on about it. 

Thirdly, the young of the world need to have a document to point to in their fight for freedom and democracy. Martin Luther King, Jr pointed to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The documents were sound in writing and not in law and life. Presently we could use a young person who found the UDHR in garage dump and got excited and led the battle forward to see that this document sets the vision of the world as best it can. A youngest with the power and smarts of John Lewis.

The fear of globalism in may is ill founded because the UDHR just sets the standard, not the law. The UDHR is a passport to the concert where all are truly equal. Let me use one article of the UDHR to show how the world’s citizens need protection and could use this to protect themselves. NO TORTURE. Please spend a moment on thinking on how many people have been tortured since 1948. It is in the tens of millions, followed normally by sadness, recovery and loss for all the tortured. You like me would not want our children, women and men in those horrid chambers getting destroyed. Yet it goes on and on. Just putting that article in the passport would be worth it.